- Start cooking at home...You will be suprised by how much money you will save by skipping out on restaurants and you don't have to be a gourmet chef or purchase an expenive cookbook to enjoy a homecooked meal. There are thousands of sites on the internet that you can visit to get great recipes that are fun or fast.
- Make your own coffee...Everyone loves Starbucks, but a regular cup of coffee can cost you at least $3.00 which can add up to over $1,000 dollars a year for a cup of joe. Invest in an inexpensive coffee maker, a can of Foldgers, and some disposable coffee cups and turn your kitchen into your personal cafe.
- Avoid late fee...Pay your bills on time every month! Late fees add up and is an unneccesary expense. If neccesary have your bills be paid automatically from your checking account.
- Know your balance...Always know what your balance is at your bank account so that you can avoid those nasty overdraft fees, which like the late fees are another unneccesary expense! Most banks have online banking or send email/text message alerts when your accoiunt balance is low.
- Don't accept the fee... avoid ATM fees at all cost. Try to only use ATMs where your bank doesn't charge you any fees. Try TCF bank where they allow some free withdrawls at non- TCF ATMs and they also allow free withdrawls at all 7/11 convenience stores. Email us at parkplaceandboardwalk@gmail.com to get information about how you can $50.00 cash when you open a TCF account.
- Borrow don't buy...borrow books from the library instead of buying them. Or better yet use swaptree.com , it's an online borrower's community where you can swap items such as books, video games, and dvds all for free!
- Always sleep on it...Avoid impulse buying at all cost. If you take some time to think about it you will usually find or be offered a better deal.
- Refill water bottles...If you reuse your water bottles you will save yourself tons of money. Just refill the bottles with tap water and freeze or if you don't like straight tap, invest in a water filter.
- Stay away from vending machines...If you know you are a snacker, along with packing your own lunch, you can prepare yourself a daily snack. Or buy in bulk. I frequent Costco's and buy tons of those small bags of chips and boxes of candy and cookies. Even going to your local gas station or convenience store will save at least a nickel per snack.
- Netflix...If you are a frequent movie watcher instead of going to Blockbuster utilize an online movie rental service. I even make copies of the movie for my own personal collection.
- Matinee show..Usually if you go to a matinee show the tickets are discounted at the movies. Take advantage of prescreenings or free viewings, you can usually see the advertisements for these in the entertainment sections or a quick Google search. During the summer going to the drive-in theater is always a great option because you usually get to see two movies for the price of one.
- Unplug and switch off...Save on electricity use by unplugging and turning off electronics and lights when not in use. Unscrew light bulbs that are rarely used.
- Sell your used junk on Craigslist, Ebay or some other kind of auction site or even hold a garage sale. You can make a lot of money and space in your house.
- Quit smoking...smoking cigarettes can cost at least $5.o0 per day in addition to the fact that it's a nasty habit.
For questions or advertising information please email us at parkplaceandboardwalk@gmail.com
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